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Trademark Scam Alert

Trademark Scam Alert

BY DAVID A. BOAG | BOAG LAW, PLLC  Trademark scams have been around for years. The classic scam goes like this: A third-party mines the public trademark application database and contacts scores of trademark applicants directly, requesting payment for some fee or service that isn’t actually necessary. This scam is so widespread that the USPTO has…

A Crash Course in TESS II, the USPTO’s New Trademark Search System (Godspeed, TESS)

A Crash Course in TESS II, the USPTO’s New Trademark Search System (Godspeed, TESS)

BY DAVID A. BOAG | BOAG LAW, PLLC  On November 23, the curtain went down on TESS, the USPTO’s trademark search system that had served trademark searchers since roughly 2000. In its place comes a supercharged replacement. This article is a crash course in the USPTO’s new replacement to TESS (official name to be determined so…


What You Need to Know About Licensing Rights and Royalties 

As an innovator or proprietor of unique works, you need to understand the workings of licensing rights and royalties in intellectual property. With this knowledge, you can expand your market reach with your creations. Let’s explore how licensing rights and royalties affect intellectual property holders. What Are Licensing Rights? Licensing is the authorized use of…

Episode 55: Copyright, Trademark, and Legal Issues for Podcasters

Episode 55: Copyright, Trademark, and Legal Issues for Podcasters

Craig and Attorney David Boag discuss copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property things for content creators, such as podcasters and those with youtube channels, need to consider when choosing names, logos, protecting content, and not infringing on other people’s content. David’s firm is in New York, New York, but because intellectual property matters are generally…